How im living 2015 –kweku Flaeva

Ever since the year 2015 begun, I’ve always had this feeling that has hardly been there. I just feel like the year 2015 has a lot to offer. A lot more to offer than I can possibly think of. I have already started seeing a whole lot of signs of improvements towards my life. I’ve gained more confidence in myself, I must say. I don’t delay in trying to get what I want. This year has so far been objective. At least that’s the best word I can use to describe it, and I think what really helps is that I stopped procrastinating.
These days every morning after a prayer, I pick up my fone and add events to my to do list. If you’re reading this and you also want to achieve a lot, then I urge you to try this for a whole week, then after the week passes by, sit down and compare the just ended week to others, and you’ll be shocked by your level of achievement. That week would feel like a month. Add every tiny or less important event to your to do list.
Also, one thing you should do away with is negative minded pastors or prophets who only pronounce and prophecy about bad upcoming events in the year. At the beginning of each year, the most common thing you’ll hear them give prophecy about is witches and their aims to destroy numerous lives this year. All they do is to put fear in the lives of their followers. If you have to change your church this year, do so because that might be your best New Year Resolution ever. I really admire Pastor Mensah Otabil a lot, and its only sad that on the 31st of December, I wasn’t able to attend his Cross Over event at the Accra sports stadium. On that very night I think according to an article on Ghanaweb and some friends, his message was that ‘2015 was a year of perfection’ . I haven’t heard of any better message than what Pastor Mensah Otabil shared.
He is a very good man of God. He preaches in such a way that his messages are always relatable, and anybody can be able to apply them to his or her life. Well enough praise for the man of God, but my little advice for you is that in choosing your church, look at the sort of people that attend the church as well, though that should not be your only criteria. You go to some churches, and their congregation are always in the same state. Nothing seems to be going on for them in their lives. That is not the church for you, my brother or sister. You want to be among a congregation full of achievers. Success is contagious. Yes if you haven’t heard it from anyway, then I am telling you.
There is a huge need to surround your self with positive minded people, rather than negative minded people who will split your dreams apart. That’s just a bit of how I’m living the year 2015. Know your worth.
I hope anybody who’s reading this can be able to relate as well.
Success is contagious- kweku flava Happiness.
Follow me on twitter @kwekyflava and Facebook +Kweku Flaeva 


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