14 Ways To Be A Better Spouse In 2015

As 2014 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on the past year and start thinking about how to be a better “you” in 2015. While many people are making New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, get more sleep and save money, others are focusing on how they can improve the most important relationships in their lives.
We asked our readers to share their marriage-related New Year’s resolutions for 2015. Below are 14 ways to be a better husband or wife in the new year.
1. “I am hoping to set aside one night a week with no social media and just be with him.” 
2. “Listen.” 
3. “I want to be a better provider. I also want to be less negative and not such a Debbie Downer.” –
4. “We are going to spend 20 minutes of ‘us’ time every day after the kids are in bed.
5. “We will keep asking how we can make each other’s day better.” 
6. “Enjoy the in-between moments just as much as the big ones.” 
7. “More love notes and fewer to-do lists!” 

8. “I resolve to encourage my husband in everything he touches in 2014.”
9. “I want to cook cleaner and healthier meals for my husband and me.” 
10. “My marriage resolution is to remember that we are on the same team! Work together — not against each other!”
11. “We will continue to say “You are awesome!” to each other every single day.” 
12. I’m marrying my best friend this year. My resolution is to make him the happiest husband ever.”  
13. “To have more patience and respect towards my husband.” 
14. “I plan to be more present when I’m with my husband and enjoy who he is more.” 


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