Miley Cyrus enters porn festival

The Wrecking Ball hitmaker has submitted a short film, Tongue Tied - which features the scantily-clad star in a number of suggestive poses while wearing bondage gear - to the NYC Porn Film Festival, which begins later this month.
Festival founder Simon Leahy told the New York Post newspaper's Page Six Column of the entry: ''It's a pop take on S&M. She's starting to become more of a contemporary artist.''
In the video, the 22-year-old singer - who is dating Patrick Schwarzenegger - dons a blindfold, is tied to a chair with her nipples covered by black tape, and has her legs constrained with straps. The film was directed by Quentin Jones and was released online in May, before being used on Miley's 'Bangerz' tour last year.
According to the festival founder, Miley heard about the festival through a mutual London-based friend and sent in the footage. It is not expected the 'Party in the USA' hitmaker will attend the event, which is sponsored by the free video site PornHub, and runs from February 27 to March 1 at Secret Project Robot.
The festival will be arranged like a gallery with a bar, and visitors will be able to see amateur and professional work from international filmmakers. The opening night party will feature a Tila Tequila sex tape and some independent videos.


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