Fashion:Nudity In The Name Of Fashion

It is very disheartening how lately, in the name of fashion many people dress exposing some vital parts of their body to the public. Indeed every single part of the body is very vital but some in my opinion are to be kept ‘private’.
Hitherto, the back of a lady, the cleavage of the breast, the stomach, the buttocks, the thighs among others are not to be seen by anybody except one’s spouse or if the need arises a Doctor but with the permission of the said individual. But in recent times, all these vital parts of a lady are seen by the public before she gets married and even after marriage all because of fashion.
Walk into most of the offices and the receptionists who are ‘usually’ females welcome you and what you see after the welcome is the cleavage of their breast or the breast itself almost fully exposed. Go to some of the banks and the story is not different after you have observed most of the tellers.
Go to the market, walk on the streets, attend all kinds of events and you will be greeted with such disturbing scenes.
Even some presenters and news anchors on national televisions are also guilty of this “offense”.
What is our society turning into? What is more worrying is that, even in the house of God (the church) this situation exists. You would see some young ladies dressed provocatively yet the leaders of the church don’t see anything wrong with it or even when they see something wrong with it, they fail to talk for fear of losing them. It is even more worrying when instead of people such as these sitting down, they move around in the church room on one errand or the other and in some cases, they are the ones who serve as ushers or lead song ministrations.
If this has gone as far as to the house of God, then one would wonder how the future will be like as far as our dressing is concerned.
It is worth mentioning that, even the children are not left out of this craze of wearing dresses that ‘exposes’ them or makes them ‘vulnerable’ .
Could it be that, those who are to enforce our beliefs, values, among others have become toothless bull dogs who only bark and don’t bite or have even stopped barking let alone bite?.
It is also worthy of note that, some of the elderly who should even know better have join in the craze wearing all kinds of dresses that expose the things that really make them look ‘responsible’.
Today, most ladies wear all kinds of provocative dresses, some of the dresses so ‘short and hanging’ such that they find it quite challenging climbing into the “tro tro” or let something of theirs drop on the ground and they would find it difficult to bend down and pick it because of the way they are dressed.
One would think that it is the ‘uneducated or illiterates’ who would dress this way but it is rather not the case.
A visit to our tertiary institutions would reveal that about 70% of the female population are culprits. It is therefore not surprising that some tertiary institutions have prescribed dress codes for their students. You sit behind some female students in a Lecture Hall and you may not be able to concentrate because of the provocative way some of them have dressed.
The Good Book (The Bible) says “Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly”. 1Timothy 2:9a
I think that, to some extent, the persistent rise in rape cases and sexual harassment of some ladies could somehow be attributed to the provocative manner in which some ladies dress among other factors. (I must admit that it is very wrong to sexually harass or rape someone because the person has dressed in a provocative or inviting way)
Some ladies dress this way due to ignorance, peer pressure and even sometimes because of the low self esteem they have of themselves. However, I think that all these go to diminish the respect and true value of a lady who dresses in this manner.
I must add that, some of the guys also find themselves in this provocative dressing habit. You go to some establishments and you would see guys dressed exposing their hairy chests, among others. Some guys even dress and expose their under wears and all this is nudity in the name of fashion.
I think that we are sitting on a time bomb if we don’t rise up as a country, as families, as churches, as schools, as social clubs, as corporate institutions etc to do everything possible to check this social canker before it becomes an “epidemic” which can never be controlled.
To me, a real lady or gentle man is the one who dresses well enough to conceal all the vital parts of his/ her body especially when he or she is in public.


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