Mask Off: Jamie Foxx And Katie Holmes FINALLY Stop Frontin’ On Their Swirly Love

Jamie Foxx And Katie Holmes Seen Holding Hands On Beach

After four long years of acting like shy high school children, Jamie Foxx and his unlikely love, Katie Holmes, have gone public with their sweet swirly love.

Jamie must think we’re as blind as Ray Charles if he REALLY thought we couldn’t see that he and Katie had a thing goin’ on.
It took 4 years, but finally, according to TMZ, Jamie and Katie were photographed holding hands while taking a romantic walk down the beach in Malibu. While its obvious that the two don’t exactly know that they are being photographed, they can’t possibly think that no one would see them holding hands in public.

We’ve been reporting on this low-key love since 2013 and since then the two actors have gone out of their way to deny this relationship.

No telling how far this new public display of affection will go. Red carpets? Award shows?? Making out on Beverly Hills street corners???

Guess we’ll just have to see.


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