The Humility In God

I Am is His preferred Name
He is the Founder and Owner of the earth
I Am is the King of glory
He is strong and mighty
I Am is mighty in battle

Although I Am is mighty, He despises no one
Although I Am is high, He regards the lowly
The glorious I Am made Himself of no reputation
He took the form of a slave and a mere man

He permitted mortal men to despise and reject Him
He was oppressed and afflicted by mere men
Yet He did not protest
Men denied the Just I Am of justice
He humbled Himself and became obedient
To the point of death, even death of the cross!

God you are so humble
Be highly exalted more and more
Your Name shall forever be above every other name
At the mention of Your Name every knee in heaven, on earth and under the earth shall bow

Every tongue shall confess Your glorious Name
For great is the glory of I Am
I Am is highly exalted by His humility
I Am is excellent in power.


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