Why Creatives Don’t Succeed In Traditional, 9-To-5 Work Environments
Full-time jobs are not for everybody. Sure, to most of the workforce, they’re seen as amazing opportunities to take care of expenses and responsibilities and prepare for the future (children, retirement, your own home, etc.), but they also provide a sense of security that does nothing for the free-flowing creative, nor the risk-it-all entrepreneur. The people in these two categories love the struggle of bootstrapping businesses and stretching resources to do the impossible, even if they can’t pay the rent. Here’s why nine-to-fives have no place in the lives of the super creative: 1. Too Much Structure If artists have too much structure, especially structure someone else dictates, they go crazy. I’m not talking about “method-to-the-madness” crazy, I mean damn-near-killing-people-for-no-reason crazy. Entrepreneurs and creatives crave the abstract, free flowing of things. They prefer to have pieces to a puzzle so they can determine which pieces fit in their lives best. They